50 Makes 1

For every fifty items sold, one free ukulele is given... 50 makes 1.
Why We Do This
We love music. It's the thread though Encore and the inspiration behind the brand. Life is more vivid and rewarding when it has a soundtrack.
Giving back has always been part of our company DNA. From grassroots charitable causes, to financial donations to school music programs, to providing free guitars to inspiring singer/songwriters – over the years we’ve tried to make a positive impact via our business. That social focus has in some way always centered on music and kids.
Why the UKC RockStar program?
It’s not everyday that you come across a story that moves you so much that you pick up the phone and dial someone you never met. After encore co-founder Casey Paton read about Corey Bergman, and the events that led Corey to launch the Ukulele Kids Club, a two hour phone call ensued, and ultimately a new partnership was born.
We’ve always believed that in a world inundated by technology, people still become a little more connected, they find a little bit more joy, when a musical instrument is in their hand. And there may not be a happier, more joy-fllled instrument than the ukulele.
When a child enters a hospital it’s a particularly scary and anxiety filled experience. The UKC in on a mission 'to help hospitalized kids to just be kids’ thru music therapy and the gift of an ukulele. It’s a mission we see incredible power and purpose in, and one that we are committed to using our business to support.
With every purchase of an Encore item you become part of a community helping to provide a better experience for kids - no matter what personal challenge they may be facing.
Life is Short. Play it Loud.
Casey & Mark
Encore Co-Founders
Hospitals that we've placed instruments with via UKC RockStar program:
Encore Co-Founders
Hospitals that we've placed instruments with via UKC RockStar program:
Boston Children's Hospital (617 & 781)
Cleveland Clinic Hospital (216)